Our beliefs

Video "ademi" sacred chant

Our culture heroe Wanadi appears as the crimson-crested Woodpecker
Our cosmology and spirituality are encapsulated in the Watunna, a cycle of myths describing the origin of the world and all deeds accomplished by our culture heroes in ancient times. Watunna means " history ", or " tradition ". It is an account of primal tribal life and laws; it serves as a series of cultural guidelines that we continue to implement in our everyday lives, in our language, ceremonies and traditions. In this mythology, our god Wanadi is portrayed as absolute light, yet he failed in his attempt to create a perfect world. Odosha, the Ye'kuana devil, destroyed his every deed and since has ruled the world, inducing death and human suffering. In order to defend ourselves and exorcise our immediate world, we continue to use sacred Ayawa body paint and collars and beads, and sing sacred chants and songs called Aichudi and Ademi.
the village round-house, or atta, of Jodoïmenña